Our Programs
Our program will aid children in developing a positive self-image. The way a child perceives themself influences the way he/she will behave as well as how others will relate to them.
We encourage children to be independent, caring people, at the same time realizing that each child is an individual with varying cognitive and social stages of development. Every child is deserving of respect, consideration, nurturing, and understanding from those around them.
The Centre will provide opportunities for learning through play. Role-playing is an ideal outlet for self-expression. Quiet learning times, both independently or in small groups, enable children to think through concepts and problems, with the guidance of the Educators.
Free play is provided to enable the children to develop skills pertaining to cooperation, sharing, and respect for others while at the same time gaining a sense of self-worth for accomplishing these tasks.
The structured periods within the timetable, (i.e: music circle and theme circle) are an integral part of our program. Limitations and routines enhance a child’s feeling of security and also maintain a safe learning atmosphere for all of the children.
Parents and Families are an important part of our program and are welcome at the centre. We encourage them to participate through staff/parent consultations, suggestions, social events and volunteer work.
Our programs are developed to be compliant with regulations set forth by the Ministry of Education, the Child Care and Early Years Act, York Region Public Health and tailored to each stage of development in a child’s life to better prepare them for school and beyond.

Infant, Toddler, &
Preschool Program Information
Our infant program aims to provide a caring, nurturing and loving environment for all. We at Little Bears Child Care Centre understand that each infant is unique, they do not all nap at the same time, eat in the same manner, or reach developmental milestones as a group. Our experienced staff plan accordingly for their group, taking into account the individual stages and needs of each child in the group. Infants thrive and grow when surrounded by other children, however, we continue to respect their individual needs.
- The full-day program, 5 days a week
- Infants spend most of the day in the Infant Room including eating and sleeping
- 2 hours of outdoor play to improve gross motor skills; 1 hour each in the AM/PM
- 2 hours of Nap Time (or more depending on each infant’s sleep schedule)
- Arts and crafts that facilitate fine motor skills and sensory skills
- Self-helping skills are strongly encouraged
- Variety of toys to promote the development of cognitive skills
- Dramatic play to inspire imagination and develop motor skills
- Daily Circle Time with singing and reading books to improve language
- Each child has their own hook/shelf space inside and outside of the room
- Nutritious snacks and lunch are provided*
- Open communication, daily sheets, and developmental checklists keep the teachers and parents on track with their children’s care and development
* All snacks and meals are planned by a nutritionist and prepared on-site in our kitchen by a certified cook. Below we have more information and a copy of our menus.
The toddler program at Little Bears Child Care Centre Daycare has many opportunities to aid in each child’s individual learning and growth. The toddler room will help your child develop helpful skills and prepare them for the next step in their journey into the preschool program.
- The full-day program, 5 days a week
- Spend most of the day in Toddler Room including eating and sleeping
- 2 hours of outdoor play to improve gross motor skills; 1 hour each in the AM/PM
- Up to 2 hours of Nap Time
- Plenty of opportunities for arts & crafts to stimulate creativity and self-expression
- Self-helping skills are strongly encouraged
- Variety of toys to promote the development of cognitive skills
- Dramatic play to inspire imagination and develop motor skills
- Daily Circle Time with singing and reading books to improve language
- Potty training begins in the Toddler Room
- Each child has their own cubby space
- Nutritious snacks and lunch provided*
- Open communication, daily sheets, and developmental checklists keep the teachers and parents on track with their children’s care and development
* All snacks and meals are planned by a nutritionist and prepared on-site in our kitchen by a certified cook. Below we have more information and a copy of our menus.
Our preschool program at Little Bears Child Care Centre Daycare provides your child with learning and self-help strategies that they will need in their day-to-day lives.
- The full-day program, 5 days a week
- The ratio of staff to children is 1:8
- We help prepare your child for their journey into Kindergarten, ensuring there is a smooth transition in their continuing education
- 2 hours of outdoor play to improve gross motor skills; 1 hour each in the AM/PM
- Up to 2 hours of Nap Time
- Arts & crafts 3 days a week to stimulate creativity
- Toy shelves with a wide selection allowing children to choose their own toys to stimulate interests
- Dramatic play to inspire imagination
- Circle Time to develop language and social skills; your child will learn the alphabet, count numbers, days of the week, months and seasons and understand the weather
- We sing songs, read books and tell stories which all aid in building your child’s five developmental skills: cognitive, language, social, fine motor and gross motor skills
- Yoga Program once a week to help promote physical activity and gross motor skills
- The Dance and Music Program once a week support artistic and creative development
- Potty training
- Nutritious snacks and lunch provided*
- Daily Report provided about your child’s activities and progression throughout the day.
* All snacks and meals are planned by a nutritionist and prepared on-site in our kitchen by a certified cook. Below we have more information and a copy of our menus.
The ways we learn through play
Fun Play
How Does Learning Happen